Financial Aid
While a student at Cambridge there are many sources of financial assistance available, both to those in financial need and to all students. Some of these funds are only available to students in King's while others are open to all students in the university.
University wide Financial Aid
As a result of the new fees being brought into effect the University is introducing a Bursary for up to £3000 a year, which will be means assessed. More information about this can be found on the University web pages.
The Newton trust, established in 1988 by Trinity College, provides a number of funding schemes for students at Cambridge, in all colleges, with the aim of promoting education, learning and research. These schemes are received by many students, through an application process once you are at Cambridge. With the new fees and finding structure these schemes have changed slightly, details of the current scheme can be found on the Newton trust website.
A more detailed guide to financial aid available to students is available from Kings ( and the University (
International students can find more information about financial matters from the University webpages (
Engineers' Formal
Financial Aid in King's
Tutorial staff in King's can guide students towards many sources of funding, including hardship funds in certain circumstances.
Travel Funding
King's has been very fortunate to receive a very generous bequest from James Ferris to provide a travel fund for students at King's to allow them to experience other cultures and further their academical studies. This fund provides students with up to £400 while at King's, and after their travel students are expected to provide a short report on their experiences.
There are many other travel funds available across the whole university, for various different geographical areas, such as mountainous regions and Commonwealth countries. Other funds provide specific allowances for travel, accommodation and spending in countries such as India and China. Details of these funds and scholarships are circulated to students during their time at Kings.
During your time in King's there are many prizes which are competed for, many are essay based, and cover a multitude of topics, normally with cash prizes. Although these are essay based, several have been won by engineers.
If you obtain a First during your time at King's you become a King's Scholar and as well as receiving a very good dinner you are also given a prize, currently around £150.